
Bro French Yaria

January 21, 2025
Tribute to Bro. Elijah Akinyemi It is with sadness, I write this tribute to my friend, fellow soldier and brother in Christ, Bro. Elijah Akinyemi.
Our paths crossed in the late seventies to the early eighties where we met in the Local Christian Assembly, Lagos. While I was led to shepherd a little flock in Ibadan, you founded and pastored a church in Port Harcourt.
Despite the distance, we were in contact with each other, you came to Ibadan to minister to the flock, also your son, Emmanuel, schooled in Ibadan and stayed with us. He was a blessing as he played the guitar during our worship services. Your daughter, Elizabeth was my daughter, Sarah, bosom mate.
These memories will remain etched within as a reminder of you, my dear friend and brother. I was really saddened by the news of your passing. My heart goes out to the entire family during this difficult time. May God strengthen you all. Rest in peace, Bro. Elijah, your friendship and support will never be forgotten.

Aworeleoluwa Beatrice Taiwo

January 21, 2025
The news of your death came to me as a big shock because we still spoke few days before you passed, you sounded so lively, and I was even supposed to come see you at the hospital just for me to hear you've left this sinful world.
Its still hard to believe you are gone, its just like you embarked on a journey and will be back soon. Whenever I look at your pictures and how you always smiled, it still feels like you are very much alive.
Its just so sad and painful that I will never see you or even get to speak with you again.
Big Daddy as I fondly called you, you are gone, but you will never be forgotten. I am only left with your memories to live with now, no words can express my grief.
A million words cannot bring you back, I know because I have tried; neither can a million tears; I say this because I have cried.
I pray that God will bring peace and solace to our entire family because you've left a big vacuum, and I know things cannot remain the same.
Thank you for all you did when you were here, the sacrifices you made, the lives you impacted on, I can go on and on, the list is just so endless.
May your soul keep resting in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ big daddy. Greet our dearest Big Mummy. All is well
Tribute from Aworeleoluwa Beatrice Taiwo

Okolo Ofejiro Michelle

January 21, 2025
I came to know Daddy through my big sis, Aunty Tolu. Daddy is such a loving and kind father. I remember different occasions, he will show up at our place of work and as he is leaving, he gifts us cash to share amongst our self. Thank you daddy for being awesome. Rest well.

Divine Joseph

January 21, 2025
A Tribute to My Grandpa, A Faithful Servant of God.
Today, I want to honor a man whose life has been a shining example of faith, love, and service. As a pastor, he had not only preached the Word of God but had also lived it every day with humility, kindness, and unwavering devotion. He was a source of strength to his congregation and family alike. Grandpa’s kindness and warm smile knew no limits.
Like I was told that Grandpa would say in humor who is disturbing me this night for tea, each night I'm crying for tea.
Your legacy will forever live on in our hearts and in the generations to come. With endless love and admiration, We will forever miss you grandpa, Rest well till we meet to part no more Divine Joseph

Supernatural Joseph

January 21, 2025
Tribute to my Grandpa Oh, Grandpa! How hard it was to put this down. I still remember the words you told me back when I was in school: make sacrifices now for future gain. Those words stayed with me, guiding me through school and the early days of my career. I thank God every day for the focus they instilled in me.
I’ll never forget the lockdown days when it was just you, Mummy, and myself at home. You’d go out and return with a restaurant flyer saying oh we need to try different recipes, oh we need to try this, explore that, and not just one style of cooking. It was always so interesting!
You even trusted me to handle the service posters, the developing church website and online service connections during COVID, despite having a team of technicians at your disposal. It showed just how much you valued helping young people grow, and that meant the world to me.
Thinking back now, I can’t help but laugh at how you’d call me different names just to avoid calling me “Susu” as it means something funny in Yoruba.
As my pastor, you taught me the power of faith and your sermons were not just words but truths that strengthened my spirit. You were a shepherd who led with humility, always pointing us to the love and mercy of Christ.
Words will never be enough to encapsulate your legacy, your life was a testament to what it means to live with purpose. You poured yourself into your faith, your family, and everyone is blessed to know you.
We will greatly miss you Grandpa. Rest well, in the arms of the One you so faithfully served. You will always be loved and forever missed.
Supernatural Joseph.

Awiki Numoupeide

January 20, 2025
A Tribute For Late Rev. Akinyemi I was privileged to associate with you via your wife, Mrs. Felicia Akinyemi, who is a colleague and friend. Even before your marriage and after, I found a jolly good fellow in you. A total gentleman, God-fearing , lovely and kind hearted. The news of your demise came shocking and unbelievable. Who am I to question God. Our consolation is your place in the bosom with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. You were a good man! My deepest condolences to my sister and colleague, Mama Felicia, your lovely children and entire family. You have gone ahead to be with the Lord. Adieu!! Rest Peacefully in the Lord.
Rev. Awiki Ebis Numoupeide

Peaceobehi Aigboje

January 20, 2025
A Tribute to Rev. Elijah Oluranti Akinyemi As I reflect on the life of Rev. Elijah Oluranti Akinyemi, I am reminded of the profound responsibility carried by those who dedicate their lives to ministry. He was a man who gave much of himself to the service of God and his congregation, a calling that comes with challenges and difficult decisions.
While every leader’s journey comes with moments of imperfection, Rev. Akinyemi’s commitment to his faith and to the community is undeniable. His sermons and spiritual guidance touched the lives of many, providing encouragement and hope to those who needed it most.
In remembering him, I choose to honor his efforts and dedication to the work of the Lord, recognizing that his life was a vessel for God’s purpose, even amidst the complexities of leadership.
As we celebrate his life, my thoughts and prayers are with his family and loved ones. May they find strength and peace in the legacy of faith and service he leaves behind. May his soul rest in eternal peace.
With respect and reflection, Peace Aigboje

Sis Ada Joy James

January 20, 2025
*Tribute to my bishop* My bishop as I fondly call you. You were not just my pastor but my father, teacher, guide and support. The last time I visited, we discussed on evangelizing this gospel and how you’ll lead us in strength like the prophet of old, not knowing God was already calling you home.
My bishop, Rev Oluranti Akinyemi, you’ve touched our lives in the best way God gave you strength and I am grateful that you’re truly resting in glory, rejoicing with the saints and not too long from now, we will all be singing the songs of victory. Rest on my Bishop.

Rev. Eke U Eke

January 20, 2025
A SALUTE TO A HERO OF THE FAITH - LATE REV ELIJAH AKINYEMI Brother Elijah, Oh Brother Elijah!. My Friend, Brother and Fellow Labourer in the gospel. Foreordained of God to be a true Witness in this evil day. When the Lord chose to reveal to you the end of time promises of Malachi 4:5-6 and Rev.10:1-7 as preached by His Servant Rev. William Branham. Your conviction, commitment, devotion and love for God and His people did not go unnoticed. This prompted you to be chosen as an Officer of Local Christian Assembly Lagos. A position you held honourably until the demands of your job caused you and your family to relocate to Port Harcourt in Rivers state. From Port Harcourt you constantly drove your family and the few believers then with you to Calabar and back, just to attend Sunday services. What a sacrifice that was! Those constant visits cemented our bond of friendship and brotherhood . Then, the Lord entrusted you with a greater responsibility, calling you to feed His sheep, as the Pioneer Pastor of Revealed Word Tabernacle Port Harcourt. From your labours, God has raised up able Ministers of the gospel and mighty warriors of the Faith. Still marching on with the rhythm of the Word and their eyes fixed on the Bride's earthly goal. Thank you for giving to the Lord in the midst of all the challenges of life. Your simple life, unwavering faith, kindness, zeal and stand for the word have been an inspiration to the saints and all that knew you. My family and church remain thankful to God for the impact of your life and will ever cherish the memory of your Ministry, kindness, love, and solidarity during our trying times. Now that it has pleased the Lord to call you home to rest, we will miss your sweet fellowship, graceful spirit and love. But we are comforted in knowing that you stood to the end of the road - a gallant Soldier of Christ, who served God's purpose on earth. Rest in your lot Brother Elijah, soon there will be a great re-union day. I will meet you in that resurrection morning.
Headstone Bride Tabernacle, Calabar.

Hezekiah Aduroja

January 20, 2025
He was actually my cousin for the fact that we shared a common grandmother, his being maternal and mine paternal. He was older than me hence, I used to call him Buoda Ranti. Though his life was relatively short, yet it was remarkable. He was fortunate and affluent among us but yet not egocentric. He would always intervene whenever any family member is in need. He loved his family members to a fault. Hardly would there be a family occasion that he won't be present with his nucleus family members coming with tangible gifts for the celebrator with the far distance of his base to our hometown. He's never found wanting even at family events outside Ilesa. Some family members are attesting to how he assisted them financially and business wise. One even told me that he once travelled outside Nigeria with him not to talk of those who shared visiting him seldomly and returning with bounties. Personally, my first journey in a plane was facilitated by him. He was a man endowed with wisdom in the resolution of conflicts. He would endeavour to bring peace whenever there is contention. He was equally humorous who lightened environment most times. Time and space will deny me the opportunity to fully express my eulogies and to say that he will be missed is an understatement. Thank God that he knew and served the Lord, Jesus Christ while alive and this gives me the assurance that by His grace, God helping me to be faithful to my own end, we will meet again at the resurection of the saints where and when we will part no more. Adieu Buoda mi, may God keep perpetual watch over your offsprings and other legacies in Jesus name.
HEZEKIAH OLAWALE ADUROJA (Cousin to the glorified)