A SALUTE TO A HERO OF THE FAITH - LATE REV ELIJAH AKINYEMI Brother Elijah, Oh Brother Elijah!. My Friend, Brother and Fellow Labourer in the gospel. Foreordained of God to be a true Witness in this evil day. When the Lord chose to reveal to you the end of time promises of Malachi 4:5-6 and Rev.10:1-7 as preached by His Servant Rev. William Branham. Your conviction, commitment, devotion and love for God and His people did not go unnoticed. This prompted you to be chosen as an Officer of Local Christian Assembly Lagos. A position you held honourably until the demands of your job caused you and your family to relocate to Port Harcourt in Rivers state. From Port Harcourt you constantly drove your family and the few believers then with you to Calabar and back, just to attend Sunday services. What a sacrifice that was! Those constant visits cemented our bond of friendship and brotherhood . Then, the Lord entrusted you with a greater responsibility, calling you to feed His sheep, as the Pioneer Pastor of Revealed Word Tabernacle Port Harcourt. From your labours, God has raised up able Ministers of the gospel and mighty warriors of the Faith. Still marching on with the rhythm of the Word and their eyes fixed on the Bride's earthly goal. Thank you for giving to the Lord in the midst of all the challenges of life. Your simple life, unwavering faith, kindness, zeal and stand for the word have been an inspiration to the saints and all that knew you. My family and church remain thankful to God for the impact of your life and will ever cherish the memory of your Ministry, kindness, love, and solidarity during our trying times. Now that it has pleased the Lord to call you home to rest, we will miss your sweet fellowship, graceful spirit and love. But we are comforted in knowing that you stood to the end of the road - a gallant Soldier of Christ, who served God's purpose on earth. Rest in your lot Brother Elijah, soon there will be a great re-union day. I will meet you in that resurrection morning.
Headstone Bride Tabernacle, Calabar.