TRIBUTE TO PASTOR AKINYEMI It is with heavy hearts, but also with a deep sense of gratitude for the life he lived. Pastor. Akinyemi was not just a preacher of the Word, but a shepherd of souls, a guide through life's trials, and a beacon of love and hope to all who knew him. In his years of service, Pastor Akinyemi touched countless lives with his unwavering faith, his gentle spirit, and his commitment to spreading the Gospel. Whether through his inspiring sermons, his tireless work in God house, or his quiet, steadfast support in times of need, he was always there. He showed that the true measure of a person is not in their accomplishments, but in their ability to serve others with a pure heart. His legacy is written not just in these tributes, but in the hearts of all of us who were blessed to know him. As he sleeps in the Lord, let us remember the love he showed, the teachings he imparted, and the example he set. I may not have been very close to him but I remember each time I greeted him in conventions he always responded by calling me Daughter. Rest in peace, Pastor Akinyemi. You will be deeply missed, but your legacy will live on forever in the hearts of those who your life touched.
Sister Adaeze Odukwe